xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' pur health by GG: "Pur", huh?


Monday, February 8, 2016

"Pur", huh?

You are probably asking yourself, "does she know she spelled "pure" incorrectly? What is she doing?

Well, put your mind at ease. I do sometimes know what I am doing. 

"Pur Health" to me is more that just one aspect. 

It also has a different meaning for me than it may for you. 

I will share my thoughts and if they align with yours, great. If they do not align with yours, great. Get it? 
We all get to think different or similar to each other. 

 Pur health for me is aligning my spiritual, mental, physical, emotional self's. 

That is my quest starting right this very moment. 

I want to be a better, healthier, "pur" version of me. 

I like to look at the world around me, not to judge or be judged, but to help me set a standard for what I believe is the "pur" me. 

What does she look like? How does she think? How does she act? How does she treat others? Can she look herself in the eye for an extended period of time without feeling shame or judgement? 

There is such a beautiful world out there waiting for me to take hold and find my place as well as make my mark. Ready, Set, Go!!!! 


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