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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Life Is Hard Sometimes...

Emotional intelligence...

Have you ever heard of it? Are you able to identify an emotion that you may be experiencing? When someone asks you how you are feeling, do you have a standard phrase of "fine, ok, angry, mad, sad? Or, does your emotional vocabulary include some of the following words?

Joyful Tenderness Helpless Defeated Rageful
Cheerful Sympathy Powerless Bored Outraged
Content Adoration Dreading Rejected Hostile
Proud Fondness Distrusting Disillusioned Bitter
Satisfied Receptive Suspicious Inferior Hateful
Excited Interested Cautious Confused Scornful
Amused Delighted Disturbed Grief-stricken Spiteful
Elated Shocked Overwhelmed Helpless Vengeful
Enthusiastic Exhilarated Uncomfortable Isolated Disliked
Optimistic Dismayed Guilty Numb Resentful
Elated Amazed Hurt Regretful Trusting
Delighted Confused Lonely Ambivalent Alienated
Calm Stunned Melancholy Exhausted Bitter
Relaxed Interested Depressed Insecure Insulted
Relieved Intrigued Hopeless Disgusted Indifferent
Hopeful Absorbed Sad Pity
Pleased Curious Guilty Revulsion
Confident Anticipating Hurt Contempt
Brave Eager Lonely Weary
Comfortable Hesitant Regretful Bored
Safe Fearful Depressed Preoccupied
Happy Anxious Hopeless Angry
Love Worried Sorrow Jealous
Lust Scared Uncertain Envious
Aroused Insecure Anguished Annoyed
Tender Rejected Disappointed Humiliated
Compassionate Horrified Self conscious Irritated
Caring Alarmed Shamed Aggravated
Infatuated Shocked Embarrassed Restless
Concern Panicked Humiliated Grumpy
Trust Afraid Disgraced Awkward
Liking Nervous Uncomfortable Exasperated
Attraction Disoriented Neglected Frustrated

Part of "pur" emotional health is being able to identify different emotions. For years I was confused about emotions and feelings, still am at times. I used a very immature vocabulary when someone asked me, "How are you?" Nine times out of ten I would answer, "fine".

Well, I am not fine all the time. I have hard days when I feel defeated and down. I have learned to stop and breathe, put myself in time out/quiet time (same thing but one sounds a bit more on the positive note). I try to identify how I am feeling and possibly the cause of my emotion, I own it. I may not be able to change the situation, but I most definitely can change my reaction. I have the opportunity to stop and self talk through an emotion or get swept along in a wave of helpless reaction to my emotion. Comes down to controlling thoughts and behaviors. Sound easy. Not by a long shot.

This weekend was one of those times I wish I had a rewind button in my life, it would really have come in handy and saved some hurt and grief. Let me preface my story by saying, I am not feeling so well (my Mom is probably saying, "I told her to rest and take her herbs all week, this is her own fault."). Well, as I was saying, I am not feeling so well, and know that this is one of the pitfalls to negative thinking errors and a perfect storm. A secret, if you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, Sick (HALTS), choose a different time to have a serious conversation. Well, long story short, I proceeded beyond the safety zone. Not one of my proudest moments. I let negative thinking and fear get to a point I that said hurtful things to someone close to me. I do not like losing control over my emotions. It makes me feel ugly and ashamed. Hurting someone else is such a disgraceful act in the eyes of God.

I cannot undo the past, but I can repent and ask for forgiveness from those I have offended and hurt. I am choosing to think before I let my temper speak for me in the future. I think the following quote from one of our beloved LDS Prophets, President Gordon B. Hinkley provided the following counsel:

Beautiful reminder full of hope and promise for us mere mortals who made a mess out of their weekend, week, month, year, or maybe life up to this point.

Have a good night, I am going to try and nurse my stuffy head and cough.

Thank you for being you.

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