xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' pur health by GG: Hello Nana...


Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hello Nana...

Happy Tuesday!

Lot’s has happened around here in the past week. On February 8th, I quietly celebrated the birthday of the first man I ever loved. 

I have not been able to hear his voice, touch his face, or cry on his shoulder for over 31 years. We communicate on a daily basis, although sometimes I send my messages through Heavenly Father to hand deliver. 

I know that my Dad has never left my side in spirit, and continues to love and protected me.

Here are some pictures of my Dad, the first love of my life. So handsome and brave, gentle and kind.

Even though I miss him as much today as that November 21st day so long ago when his spirit left his temporal body and continued on to the spirit world, I know that we will forever be a family. 

If you want to know more about how I know the blessings of being a forever family, please click on the button at the right of my page that has a Mormon missionary name tag. You can also email me at any time; I would love to talk with you.

As you know from an earlier blog entry, we celebrated Birthday part #1 for my son, Daxton’s 6th birthday on February 10th at the skate park. 

Saturday his Nana, my Mom flew in from Salt Lake City, Utah to surprise this little man. To say he was excited is an understatement. 

She is staying the whole week while Daxton vacations from school. Thank you Nana, you are the bestest! 

We celebrated at a special lunch complete with a chocolate piece of cake and candles. Birthday #2.

Well, last night we again surprised Daxton with Birthday party #3. 

His Uncle Jason is here working in the area and stopped by to go to dinner with us at Daxton’s favorite sushi bar, Haiku. 

 It is in Redmond, Washington and to say it is amazing is an understatement. Dax took about 67 pictures with my phone, so I will spare you and only provide the best ones.



My pur health spiritual thought for you today…

I hope to remember that my thoughts are the most powerful self-motivation or self-destruction tool I have.

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