xmlns:fb='http://ogp.me/ns/fb#' pur health by GG: 2014


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Foot Reflexology Points

Ever Wonder where you should be applying essential oils or acupressure to assist with body systems?
Targeting specific areas that correspond to parts of your body on your feet called reflexology points will assist you in the process of trying to heal and alleviate symptoms of illness and stress while you work to restore body function.

Applying Essential Oils...

Would you like to know different ways to apply essential oils?

Direct Inhalation

Many times it is not convenient to use the diffuser.  Here are suggestions on other handy techniques to enjoy the benefits of oils aroma.

Inhaler:  Empty inhalers, similar to a "Vicks inhaler" may be purchased and any oil or blend can be dripped onto the wick.  They are very handy to carry in a pocket or purse and last for weeks.

Cup and Inhale:  With cup and inhale, place a couple drops of an oil or blend or use the residue on the hands after a topical application.  Then stimulate the olfactory cells by cupping the hands over the nose and breathing deeply.

Tissue cup:  Find a small (appx. 8oz) cup with a lid.  If plastic it would preferably be high quality plastic.  Place one or two tissues or some toilet paper in the cup and drop 5-10 drops of oil on the tissues.  The cup can be opened occasionally and holding the opening to the nose, breathe deeply.  If the lid stays on, it will be effective for up to 2 weeks.  Use this for a stimulant when driving or to stay alert in tedious meetings.  

Make a spritz: using 5-10 drops of oil with ½ cup of clean water.  Put the mixture in a small spray bottle and shake well prior to uses.

Make a steam tent:  Add several drops of oil to a steaming hot bowl of water.  Place a towel over the head and let it drape around the bowl and breathe in the vapors.  This is especially valuable for sinus problems, coughing or colds.

T Shirt Tent:  Apply the desired oils to the chest and neck as needed then put on a T shirt and while laying down pull the neck of the shirt up over the nose and breath deeply .

When traveling by car or plane, the immune system is under particular stress.  Apply a few drops of oil to cotton balls, cotton pads or tissue.  In the car, place them in the heating and cooling vents.  The air passing over the oil diffuses the scent into the air. 

Applying Essential Oils - Topical


Administer directly to an effected area for pain relief or for protection from infection.  An oil (with or without a carrier) in a spray or a salve works well.  Appropriate situations to consider direct application include burns, rashes, fungal infections, cuts, scrapes bumps, bruises and bites. Rub on back of neck, bottom of feet and Thymus when administering for illness.

For upset stomachs or digestive problems, direct application on the stomach (especially for children) is appropriate. 
Caution should always be observed to avoid contact, especially neat (undiluted oils), with eyes or mucus membranes during direct application.

*Use 3-6 drops with ½ teaspoon of preferred carrier oil (I use coconut or almond) for adults. Use 1-3 drops with ½ teaspoon of preferred carrier oil for children, infants preferably only one drop of oil.




Compresses are ideal for after an oil massage.  While there is still residue from the massage, apply a hot or cold towel to the effected area.

For a compress, fill a bowl with ice water or hot water and add 4-6 drops of essential oil.  Dip a folded clean, sterile cotton cloth into the prepared water and ring out.  Place the cloth on affected areas until the cloth reaches body temperature. 
Oils are concentrated  and only a small amount is required, at times it is advantageous to use them with a carrier.  Carriers allow the essential oil to be spread over a larger area while reducing the risk of irritation to sensitive skin.

  Hot compresses are helpful for backaches, rheumatism, arthritis, abscesses, earache, toothache, and menstrual cramps.

  Cold compresses are helpful for headaches, neck tension, swelling, bruises, sprains, and muscle strains.

  A common technique for finishing off the massage to an area is to apply a hot or cold compress or towel to the area for a few minutes after the massage.

Massage for Infants and Small Children

Essential oils are of great benefit for babies and young children using massage techniques.  Clearly, their skin is very sensitive and extreme care should be taken to use a carrier oil during a massage.  A 2-5% carrier dilution is appropriate. 

A highly effective method with babies and small children (Adults also) is to massage their feet with essential oils.  It is considered a safe area to apply oils that might sometimes be considered too strong or concentrated for sensitive baby skin.  Still, use care with “hot oils, their feet will develop calluses but not until they begin walking.  With stronger oils the use of a carrier is recommended. 

Compresses with a damp, warm towel are comforting and therapeutic to a baby that is suffering from discomfort or pain.  Apply directly to the affected area(s), i.e., to the stomach area for tummy discomfort, etc.

Here are some further tips to keep in mind when massaging babies:

·         Warm hands under warm running water before beginning.

·         Find a relaxing time for both the baby and the administrator.  Prior to nap or bedtime is ideal.

·         Talk to the baby in kind gentle tones while massaging.

·         Warm the oil in the hand first before applying.

·         Use gentle soft rotary strokes.

·         Be gentle when applying to the tummy area.

·         Keep oils away from the eyes, genitals and mucus membranes.

Keep in mind that babies do not know better than to touch their eyes.  Therefore, massage only those area(s) that can be clothed or covered after the massage to prevent transfer to the sensitive spots.  For instance, place socks on the infant or child after massaging their feet.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Updated Class and Open house date!

Hi Everyone,

I have changed the date of the class and open house to Thursday, January 09, 2014 at 6:30pm. Please refer to the handout. I am sorry for the inconvenience.